Imposter Syndrome: How To?

To all the leaders in this world, this one is for you! Imposter Syndrome is something that everyone feels at some point in time in their life. For some, it might be when starting a new business, moving up in a company, or even in situations that have nothing to do with work, like relationships. For the sake of this blog post we are going to focus on career driven imposter syndrome, but these tools can be used in your personal life as well.

What is Imposter Syndrome?

Feeling like an imposter means believing that you’re not as competent as others perceive you to be. Feeling self doubt and inadequacy tend to carry on despite proof of success and feeling of confidence.

How does it show up for you? Grab yourself a piece of paper & write down every negative thought that enters your mind when you think about your job, career &/or position. Maybe they are thoughts of….

“I am not good enough…

I’m not smart enough…

I am going to fail and then what will they think…”

How does it show up for you?

The superhero: The ability to take on everything. If you are not keeping up with other’s or the expectations of yourself you failed.

The lone ranger: You must be able to everything on your own without any help from others. If you have to ask you failed

The expert: They expect to know everything about a certain topic or job. No room for lack of knowledge…

The perfectionist: Expects perfection from you. Everything must be done without a flaw.

When reading through these I want you to go back to that sheet of paper that has your negative self talk on there and label each voice. Are you the lone ranger, maybe it’s the superhero? Label it….

How are you coping with it?

There are many ways to cope with your imposter syndrome but I am only going to mention a few that I see on a day to day basis with my clients.

Overworking: Overworking is working beyond your level, ability and energy at a given point and time. Can lead to anxiety, depression, and burnout.

Avoidance: Involves taking action consciously or unconsciously to distance yourself from something. It can also lead to stagnation.

Secrecy: Keeping something hidden from others… You might not express that you’re having a problem, you hitting burnout, or you are keeping secrets about a project because you are afraid of failing.

How to…

Practice patience, compassion, and speak with grace.

Allow yourself to approach the negative self talk with compassion and grace to neutralize the situation. Here is a quick example: You are weak and incompetent for needing help with work. You need to do this on your own.

Negative voice is: lone ranger & expert

How can I say this differently:

It is okay that I need help and to ask questions… I am constantly learning and growing.

The approach is this; practice patience with yourself with you negative self talk enters your mind. Look at the situation with compassion and speak with grace. Notice we are not moving from one spectrum to the other, but meeting in the middle to find some neutral ground to exist.

You got this!

xo, han

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